Cocaine is an extremely addictive drug, so it is very difficult for a person who tries it to predict or control how long they will continue to want or consume it. If the person becomes addicted, the risk of relapse is high, even after long periods of abstinence. During periods of abstinence from cocaine use, the memory of the euphoria associated with its use, or just a reference to the drug, can trigger an uncontrollable desire to use it and end in a relapse.
Professional Help
For this reason, quitting cocaine with professional help is the most viable option for addicted people, applying an adequate methodology and constant medical supervision. The treatment of cocaine addiction requires a methodology that must be adapted to the needs of the patient and their personal, social, and work situation. Every detail counts, and every step that the experts take with the patient counts. Quitting cocaine with the help of a professional will help the patient to overcome the hardest moments, making sure that the rehabilitation is successful.
The Treatment Phases
The treatment consists of 4 phases:
Detoxification: Conducted by the treatment center’s psychiatrist who assesses the patient’s condition with the support of the psychologist and a therapist. Individual visits are made with the patient and the family.
Disabled: The acceptance and knowledge of the disease are deepened and progress is made through external stimuli in a guided, gradual, and protected way, learning to incorporate healthy behavior habits.
Rehabilitation: Recovery of skills lost or not developed by the patient due to consumption and impulse control, anxiety reduction, and improvement of the patient’s personal and social skills.
Reinsertion: It is an important step towards full psycho-emotional reintegration. Personal knowledge and self-control, the risks of the patient’s habitat, and the healthy behaviors to be developed are worked on.
The Support
These phases are accompanied by the support of the entire therapeutic team within the center, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, monitors, nurses, as well as the help of the patients’ relatives. When a person consumes, they, their family, and the environment suffer. For this reason, the moment the addict decides to change and start the recovery process, the family and the environment will become key factors.
Consumption causes many problems at the family, social, and work levels. Family relationships are completely distorted and altered and not only the addict suffers, but the person’s surroundings. That is why the people or family members of the addict’s closest environment will also need professional help. As the problem progresses, they are emotionally affected, a situation that leads them to seek help to overcome their own problems.
The family is not responsible for the person consuming, but many times, unintentionally and to avoid arguments or other violent situations, they end up being facilitators or enablers. That is why it is advisable to seek help for themselves and to have strategies on how to face this problem.
The Manipulation
The addict becomes manipulative; those who suffer the most are spouses, children, and parents. The person who suffers from an addiction, whatever the type, hates himself and in some way, provokes arguments turning his hatred on others so that it is returned to him in the form of aggression. In addition, everything serves as an excuse to continue consuming.
To overcome cocaine or any other addiction, the treatment center must promote other strategies. For example, the increase of self-esteem is something basic in the addict. Most treatment centers help the addict to work on loving themselves enough to quit.
Helpful Links
Drugabuse.gov | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)